Soccer Injury Prevention and Treatment

Soccer is one of the most popular sports in the world. It is so popular that approximately a quarter of a billion people play around the world. However, with the increasing popularity comes the increase in soccer-related injuries. Soccer injuries can range from minor scrapes and bruises to vast injuries that may require surgery or physical therapy. If you suffer from a soccer-related injury and need physical therapy in Sterling Heights, MI, consider reaching out to Empower Physical Therapy to ensure your injuries are properly treated.

Common Soccer Injuries

Soccer helps athletes build up their endurance, improve their speed, and promote fitness. However, it is also a game that often involves hard falls, player collisions, and the overuse of certain parts of the body, all of which can increase a player’s risk of injury. Common soccer injuries may include:

  • Concussions
  • ACL Injuries
  • Meniscus Tears
  • Sprained Ankles
  • Bone Fractures
  • Heat-Related Injuries

Preventing Soccer Injuries

Even though going to physical therapy in Sterling Heights, MI can help treat any injuries you may receive while playing soccer, it is important to take preventative measures. Soccer injuries can often be prevented by:

  • Stretching– spending five to ten minutes doing stretches before and after a game can help reduce muscle soreness, keep your muscles flexible, and can reduce your risk for injury. 
  • Warm-Up Before Playing- warming up with exercises such as jumping jacks or a short run will warm up your muscles. These will increase your blood flow and put less stress on your muscles.
  • Practice proper techniques- hitting the soccer ball with your forehead or staying low to the ground when you quickly change direction can help prevent various injuries, which will help protect you from harm.
  • Wear proper attire- proper soccer attire includes well-fitted shin guards, properly fitted and securely fastened cleats, an ankle brace (if needed), and synthetic, unabsorbent soccer balls.
  • Stay hydrated- Being dehydrated can have a significant impact on a player’s performance. If you are not hydrated, your body will not be able to cool itself down, which can cause you to overheat. It is recommended that players before, during, and after the game.

Treatment for Soccer Injuries

While there are many precautions players can take to reduce the risk of injuries on the soccer field, it is important to be prepared for the injuries that may occur during a game. Knowing what treatments are available for your injuries can help the healing process go smoother and be more effective. Physical therapy in Sterling Heights, MI can help heal soccer injuries and get players back to their pre-injured activities. Empower Physical Therapy helps athletes with:

  • ACL Rehab
  • Muscle and ligaments strains
  • Running injuries
  • Post-Fracture rehab

Schedule an Appointment for Physical Therapy in Sterling Heights, MI!

If you are currently suffering from a soccer-related injury and are unsure of where to get help, look no further than Empower Physical Therapy. Whether you are looking to recover from an injury or increase your sports performance, our team is dedicated to making sure you are getting the help you deserve. Contact Empower Physical Therapy today to get the treatment you need!